Benefits Of Forex Trading

There are many benefits and advantages to trading Forex. Here are just a few reasons why so many people are choosing this market as a business opportunity:

In Forex trading, a small margin deposit can control a muchlarger total contract value. Leverage gives the trader the ability to make extraordinary profits and at the same time keep risk capital to a minimum. Some Forex firms offer 200 to 1 leverage, which means that a $50 dollar margin
deposit would enable a trader to buy or sell $10,000 worth of currencies. Similarly, with $500 dollars, one could trade with $100,000 dollars and so on.

Because the Forex Market is so large, it is also extremely liquid. This means that with a click of a mouse you can instantaneously buy and sell at 3 will. You are never 'stuck' in a trade. You can even set the online trading platform to automatically close your position at your desired profit level (limit order), and/or close a trade if a trade is going against you (stop order).

On the stock markets, you can only make money if shares are rising, but in economic recession and falling 'bear' markets, there is little chance of making big money. Forex is different. One of the most exciting advantages of FX trading is the ability to generate profits whether a currency pair is 'up' or 'down'. A trader can profit by taking a 'long' position, (buying the currency pair at one price and selling it later at a higher price), or a 'short' position, (selling the currency pair and buying it back at a lower price). For example, if you think the US dollar will increase in value vs. the Japanese Yen then you will buy Dollars and sell Yen (go long). If you think the Yen will increase in value against the Dollar then you will sell Dollars and buy yen (go short). As long as the trader picks the right direction, a potential for profit always exists.

From Sunday evening to Friday Afternoon EST the Forex market never sleeps. This is very desirable for those who want to trade on a part-time basis, because you can choose when you want to trade--morning, noon or night.

Most Online Forex firms offer free 'Demo' accounts to practice trading, along with breaking Forex news and charting services. These are very valuable resources for traders who would like to hone their trading skills with 'virtual' money before opening a live trading account.


One might think that getting started as a currency trader would cost a lot of money. The fact is, it doesn't. Online Forex Firms now offer 'mini' trading accounts with a minimum account deposit of only $200-$500 with no commission trading. This makes Forex much more accessible to the average individual, without large, start-up capital.

Trading Foreign Currency - FOREX

FOREX trading is all about trading foreign currency, stocks, and similar type of products. The currency of one country is weighed against the currency of another country to determine value. The value of that foreign currency is taken into consideration when trading stocks on the FOREX markets. Most countries have control over the value of that countries value, involving the currency, or money. Those who are often involved in the FOREX markets include banks, large businesses, governments, and financial institutions.

What makes the FOREX market different from the stock market?

A forex market trade is one that involves at least two countries, and it can take place worldwide. The two countries are one, with the investor, and two, the country the money is being invested in. Most all transactions taking place in the FOREX market are going to take place through a broker, such as a bank.

What really makes up the FOREX markets?

The foreign exchange market is made up of a variety of transactions and counties. Those involved in the FOREX market are trading in large volumes, large amounts of money. Those who are involved in the FOREX market are generally involved in cash businesses, or in the trade of very liquid assets that you can sell and buy fast. The market is large, very large. You could consider the FOREX market to be much larger than the stock market in any one country overall. Those involved in the FOREX market are trading daily twenty-four hours a day and sometimes trading is completed on the weekend, but not all weekends.

You might be surprised at the number of people that are involved in FOREX trading. In the years 2004, almost two trillion dollars was an average daily trading volume. This is a huge number for the number of daily transactions to take place. Think about how much a trillion dollars really is and then times that by two, and this is the money that is changing hands every day!

The FOREX market is not something new, but has been used for over thirty years. With the introduction of computers, and then the internet, the trading on the FOREX market continues to grow as more and more people and businesses alike become aware of the availablily of this trading market. FOREX only accounts for about ten percent of the total trading from country to country, but as the popularity in this market continues to grow so could that number.

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World Time Software For Forex Trader

Forex market is open 24 hour a day. It provides a great oppurtunity for tarders to trade any time of the day or at night. However, although it seems to be not very important at the beginning, the right time to trade is one of the most crucial points to be successful in trading at the forex market. so, when should one consider trading and why?

The best time to trade is when the market is the most active and therefore has the biggest volume of trades.

More active currency moves will create a good chance to catch the trade and make profit. A calm, slow market is literally wasting of time.

Forex trading hour,trading time

New York opens 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST
Tokyo opens 7:00 pm to 4:00 am EST
Stdney opens 5:00 pm to 2:00 am EST
London opens 3:00 am to 12:00 noon EST

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Putting Your Money Into Forex Trading

Forex trading is all about putting your money into other currencies, so you can gain the interest for the night, for time period or the difference in trading money all around. Forex trading does involve other assets along with money, but because you are investing in other countries and in other businesses that are dealing in other currencies the basis for the money you make or lose will be based on the trading of money.

Constant trading is done in the forex markets as time zones will vary and the markets will open in one country while another is near closing. What happens in one market will have an effect on the other countries forex markets, but it is not always bad or good, sometimes the margins of trading are near each other.

A forex market will be present when two countries are involved in trading, and when money is traded for goods, services or a combination of these things. Currency is the money that trades hands, from one to another. Often times, a bank is going to be the source of forex trading, as millions of dollars are traded daily. There is nearly two trillion dollars traded daily on the forex market. Should you get involved in forex trading? If you are already involved in the stock market, you have some idea of what forex trading really is all about.

The stock market involves buying shares of a company, and you watch how that company does, waiting for a bigger return. In the forex markets, you are purchasing items or products, or goods, and you are paying money for them. As you do this, you are gaining or losing as the currency exchange differs daily from country to country. To better prepare you for the forex markets you can learn about trading and purchasing online using free 'game' like software.

You will log on and create an account. Entering information about what you are interested in and what you want to do. The 'game' will allow you to make purchases and trades, involving different currencies, so you can then see first hand what a gain or loss will be like. As you continue on with this fake account you will see first hand how to make decisions based on what you know, which means you will have to read about the market changes or you will have to take a brokers information at value and play from there.

If you, as an individual want to be involved in forex trading, you must get involved through broker, or a financial institution. Individuals are also known as spectators, even if you are investing money because the amount of money you are investing is minimal compared to the millions of dollars that are invested by governments and by banks at any given time. This does not mean you can't get involved. Your broker or investment advisor will be able to tell you more about how you can be involved in forex trading. In the US, there are many regulations and laws in regards to who can handle forex trading for US citizens so if you are searching the internet for a broker, be sure you read the print, and the information about where the company is located and if it is legal for you to do business with that company.

Forex Market - Around The World

Forex is a trading 'method' also known as FX or and foreign market exchange. Those involved in the foreign exchange markets are some of the largest companies and banks from around the world, trading in currencies from various countries to create a balance as some are going to gain money and others are going to lose money. The basics of forex are similar to that of the stock market found in any country, but on a much larger, grand scale, that involves people, currencies and trades from around the world, in just about any country.

Different currency rates happen and change every day. What the value of the dollar may be one day could be higher or lower the next. The trading on the forex market is one that you have to watch closely or if you are investing huge amounts of money, you could lose large amounts of money. The main trading areas for forex, happens in Tokyo, in London and in New York, but there are also many other locations around the world where forex trading does take place.

The most heavily traded currencies are those that include (in no particular order) the Australian dollar, the Swiss franc, the British pound sterling, the Japanese yen, the Eurozone eruo, and the United States dollar. You can trade any one currency against another and you can trade from that currency to another currency to build up additional money and interest daily.

The areas where forex trading is taking place will open and close, and the next will open and close. This is seen also in the stock exchanges from around the world, as different time zones are processing order and trading during different time frames. The results of any forex trading in one country could have results and differences in what happens in additional forex markets as the countries take turns opening and closing with the time zones. Exchange rates are going to vary from forex trade to forex trade, and if you are a broker, or if you are learning about the forex markets you want to know what the rates are on a given day before making any trades.

The stock market Is generally based on products, prices, and other factors within businesses that will change the price of stocks. If someone knows what is going to happened before the general public, it is often known as inside trading, using business secrets to buy stocks and make money - which by the way is illegal. There is very little, if any at all inside information in the forex trading markets. The monetary trades, buys and sells are all a part of the forex market but very little is based on business secrets, but more on the value of the economy, the currency and such of a country at that time.

Every currency that is traded on the forex market does have a three letter code associated with that currency so there is no misunderstanding about which currency or which country one is investing with at the time. The eruo is the EUR and the US dollar is known as the USD. The British pound is the GBP and the Japanese yen is known as the JPY. If you are interested in contacting a broker and becoming involved in the forex markets you can find many online where you can review the company information and transactions before processing and becoming involved in the forex markets.

Behind Forex Trades

The forex market is all about trading between countries, the currencies of those countries and the timing of investing in certain currencies. The FX market is trading between counties, usually completed with a broker or a financial company. Many people are involved in forex trading, which is similar to stock market trading, but FX trading is completed on a much larger overall scale. Much of the trading does take place between banks, governments, brokers and a small amount of trades will take place in retail settings where the average person involved in trading is known as a spectator. Financial market and financial conditions are making the forex market trading go up and down daily. Millions are traded on a daily basis between many of the largest countries and this is going to include some amount of trading in smaller countries as well.

From the studies over the years, most trades in the forex market are done between banks and this is called interbank. Banks make up about 50 percent of the trading in the forex market. So, if banks are widely using this method to make money for stockholders and for their own bettering of business, you know the money must be there for the smaller investor, the fund mangers to use to increase the amount of interest paid to accounts. Banks trade money daily to increase the amount of money they hold. Overnight a bank will invest millions in forex markets, and then the next day make that money available to the public in their savings, checking accounts and etc.

Commercial companies are also trading more often in the forex markets. The commercial companies such as Deutsche bank, UBS, Citigroup, and others such as HSBC, Braclays, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan Chase, and still others such as Goldman Sachs, ABN Amro, Morgan Stanley, and so on are actively trading in the forex markets to increase wealth of stock holders. Many smaller companies may not be involved in the forex markets as extensively as some large companies are but the options are stil there.

Central banks are the banks that hold international roles in the foreign markets. The supply of money, the availability of money, and the interest rates are controlled by central banks. Central banks play a large role in the forex trading, and are located in Tokyo, New York and in London. These are not the only central locations for forex trading but these are among the very largest involved in this market strategy. Sometimes banks, commercial investors and the central banks will have large losses, and this in turn is passed on to investors. Other times, the investors and banks will have huge gains.

Important Reasons Why You Should Attend Forex Trading Seminar

Going for a Forex trading seminar might just get you started on a road to wealth and financial independence. In these slightly darkened economic times, traditional commodities trading like stocks, company bonds, blue chips and futures have lost their currency as good investment prospects for those wanting to make their fortunes of the economic market place.

The scale of neo-liberal literature demands that these commodities now enter a higher risk category, because the health of such commodities depends not only on the health of the overall economy, but the health of specific bordered market behaviour as well as the corporations and processes in which they are tied in.

This adds a problem because we cannot be guaranteed of corporate transparency when talking about commodities like futures and stocks. Examples like Enron come to mind when talking about how investors were withheld critical information that led to the complete loss of stock confidence and thousands of investors left with excess baggage they could not sell of. The patterns seem to be similar with the falling of Fanny Mae and the Lehman Brothers, gravitated by the problems of bank deposits and the sale of bonds on international markets.

So in this economic thicket, the only viable investment opportunity would be to prospect on the market that deals with the very foundations of the economy, which would be currency. There are many factors which make the Forex market very attractive for investors now, the very one of which is its extreme liquidity status over other markets. That is the sort of pulling power that needs to attract investment dollars into the Forex market, and if you look at if from an economic standpoint, Forex is one of the turnkeys that the world can depend on to revitalise the global economy. How? Through the very basis of how it works.

When you invest in a currency (through paired trading), your money is sent almost all around the world, securing hedge funds, pumped into the infrastructure of the country, supporting satellite government installations overseas - all to boost the economy, turn down inflation and strengthen the dollar. Stronger currency means an increased confidence in economic factors like consumer spending, tourism and trade - which are the basic ingredients for turning the downturn into an upswing.

The financial by-word here is simply confidence, and confidence is now more important than capital when talking about market injection. Many analysts and investors believe that market psychology is the one dominant factor in helping to turn this bearish situation around and relive the old days when the economy was on a slow but steady growth pattern.

So how can we capitalize on the obvious benefits that Forex trading can bring? By attending a Forex trading seminar, of course. This is especially true if you’re still new to Forex, and have a limited knowledge of what goes on within the Forex market and how the entire trading system works. A Forex trading seminar is key to your education in Forex if you ever want to get started in Forex trading, as it can give you a clearer picture of everything that may affect the market. Valuable trading strategies and advice may also be shared by veteran traders, and any question you may have about Forex trading may be answered by a panel of experts.

Even if you are already having some form of success in the Forex market, attending a Forex trading seminar can still benefit you as you can keep yourself up to date on the latest developments and upcoming trends within the market. It doesn’t matter how established you are in the game; practically anyone and everyone can benefit from attending a Forex trading seminar.

Important Trading Forex News

Most forex traders who succeed know how to trade based on the news. Laymen who usually hear about forex trading in business channels such as Bloomberg ask: “who the heck watches all these?” Well, to the beginners in the financial markets, you have to acknowledge the contribution of forex news in the market.

It is believed that occurrences and events in the market affect crowd sentiments. The fact that crowd sentiments move the market substantially makes it an indicator of trends. Traders who are aware of this, capitalizes on such movements in the forex market. There are traders who depend chiefly on speculating the trends based on the crowd’s sentiments. Crowd sentiments, at the same time, are driven by what they see in the news whether consciously or unconsciously. Taking advantage of such knowledge can signal a trader to enter or exit a trade.

The goal in trading forex news is to analyze how the market sways based on the movements of the crowd. There are tools used in interpreting forex news. The important thing is that if you are going to use this strategy in trading, you have to stick to the system in order for it to succeed.

Signals and indicators are important in currency trading. One of these indicators is economic news itself. To ensure that you are making the most out of this free indicator, you have to get the right knowledge on how to analyze market trends. Most traders tend to ignore crowd sentiments and instead focus on traditional techniques and fundamentals. This entirely keeps you away from a wide range of trading opportunities that you have not thought of before.

Best Time To Trade Forex For Maximize Profit

The Forex market opens 24 hours, it on Sunday night (5 PM EST) and closes on Friday afternoon (4PM EST).When the Asian market closes its doors, the European market starts followed the US market then the Asian market open it doors again and etc.

So this means that you as a forex trader has total freedom on when to trade. This freedom in forex trading times is a big part of what makes forex trading so appealing. Anytime, anywhere someone is trading.

But not all times are equally good for forex trading. Some forex trading times are better or worse than others because of the volatility when a market opens or closes and the overlaps in between.

So the question you are going to ask is probably: When to trade?

We are going to try to answer that question here, but first let us make sure that we understand the world time differences. There are two world time methods that are widely used:


Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT), is the current time in Greenwich – England and is considered the general world standard time (A leftover from the time of the British empire!).

If we use this system that means that the time in Greenwich is always 0 and all other locations east of Greenwhich adds a positive + to the GMT time. For example Tokyo time would be GMT +9. Countries west of GMT adds a negative – to the GMT time. An example of this could be Alaska which would be GMT -10. So if it is noon (12 pm) forex trading times in Greenwich, then it is 9 pm in Tokyo and 2 am in Alaska. Makes sense?


Eastern Standard Time (EST) is the other commonly used world clock system. It is the time of North America and is the same as GMT -5. So now when we know how to understand the world clock systems, let us have a look at the actual forex trading times and the major Forex trading time sessions. There are three major sessions in the Forex market. In each of these the volatility is much higher than usual and in each one there is different currencies being traded (in larger numbers than otherwise).

Asian Session (Tokyo) (7PM : 4AM EST):

The Asian forex trading session begins at 7 PM EST (12 AM GMT) and closes at 4 AM EST (9 PM GMT). The major countries involved in this session is Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. In this session the most commonly traded currencies are GBP/JPY, GBP/CHF and USD/JPY. These currency pairs can fluctuate 110 pips during these forex trading times.

Other currencies that are traded are USD/CHF, AUD/JPY and GBP/USD which can fluctuate 60 pips.

U.S. Session (New York) (8 AM : 5 PM EST):

The US session kicks of at 8 AM EST and closes at 5PM EST. The US is a moderate to highly volatile session, because of its interaction on other markets such as the Stock or Bond market. The most traded currency pairs during these forex trading times are: GBP/USD, GBP/JPY and USD/JPY which fluctuate around 95 pips. There is also trading in USD/EUR and USD/CAD.

This session is both challenging and exciting. There is usually release of economic data early in the trading day and of those some reports cause the Forex market to move significantly. The stock, bond and commodities markets are also interlinked with the currency market so any news from those markets will also affect the Forex market and particularly the USD.

European Session (London) (2 AM : 12 PM EST)

London is the most important and biggest center for trading in the world at a market share higher than 30%. The majority of all Forex trades in the market are carried out during these forex trading times because of the high liquidity and efficiency of the market. This also makes the London session the most volatile of all.

All major currency pairs are traded during this session. For risk loving traders the GBP/JPY and GBP/CHF have very high fluctuations of up to and even surpassing 140 pips.

Other major currency trades include: EUR/USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF and GBP/USD which fluctuate less but still up to an average of 100 pips. These currency pairs are a good pick because their volatility makes it easy to enter the market.

In this article we looked at the basic make up of the different forex trading times. In the next article we are going to look at individual strategies for trading during these forex trading times.

Hector Trader - Forex Trading Course

Hector Trader

The Hector Trader Forex Course teach how to trade based on a system called "The 3 SMA Trading System" (trend following system). There are a lot of forex systems out there that delve into the hype but Hector Trader Forex Course is different as it promises more to deliver a solid foundation for your trading.

Hector Trader Forex course has been created by a full time trader who, instead of giving you a fixed set of rules to enter and exit the market, he teach you how to read the charts so not only you know when to buy or sell a currency pair but furthermore to understand why you're taking such decisions. With this Forex Course you will learn real skills to trade forex and become a successful trader.


FX-Razor, Colorado

Date of Post:2009-05-16
Review:After spending thousands of dollars on forex courses, I feel quite the fool. I only wish I had found much sooner. There is nothing like it available anywhere, and that is a fact!!. His videos (61 in total)are second to none and the first ten are absolutely free, his strategy and custom indicators ( 8 in total ) help ensure success as he covers in detail every aspect of the Forex market, he is quick to respond to any questions one may have and you get it all for under $200. The thing I like the most is that you are right there with him learning and watching over his shoulder. Final thoughts, if you do not take advantage of this opportunity then YOU are the one losing, and my trading account proves it! ! I am really surprised that he doesn't charge more. I give him 10 stars, five stars just is not enough.

Proud to be in the family,

Mariusz, Poland / UK

Date of Post:2008-12-18
I`ve been trading for a year now, and blow up MANY mini account. Like most of us, I have done many courses read many ebooks, even used paid signals but comparing to this course it was all nothing. Of course all this things I went through in some way got me to the point where I`m now and all of them gave me few more useful tools to my box but they were all incomplete. The most important thing for me is, that I know exactly what I am doing. Where to place SL, TP and most important my entry. Simply this course for me is all about support, resistance and price action around this places. For me this is all I need to know to be successful in my trading. In few words, Hector is explaining how, price builds up the pressure at some places and how to recognize price action to be on the right side of the trade.
One thing to the new people that will use this course... WAIT FOR THE CONFIRMATION :) It is really worth it even if you have to let go few moves. Watch the videos few times each, it will help you later to recognize this set ups on live chart. I know there is a lot of watching and listing but it will all pay off.
I think I`m starting to understand how price moves and why it moves the way it moves.
Price of the course is really funny for the value of informations you get.

Thank you Hector, you changed my view on forex.

Author: “Hector” a full time professional Forex trader.

Package: A massive 8 “Chapter” online course with video and written instruction and one on one email support from Hector. Bonus includes Hector’s trend indicators which save time identifying the profitable trade entry and exit signals he teaches in the course.

Return Policy: 30 Day Money Back Guarantee - “No questions asked!”

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Latest Forex Transformer - Make Huge Money

Forex Transformer

A new Forex Robot called Forex Transforer, developed by Paul Liburd. There will be a limited number of copies released so opportunities to get it may be limited.

It is claimed tro have a solid artificial intelligence engine that accurately predicts 96.2% winning trades.

It runs on auto pilot and test have apparantly shown that it earned $19,000 in a day. If the result are trues then this is a pretty amazing forex robot. It is reported to have a unique trading stratetgy unseen in any other EA and performs trades in an intraditional way. The key feature it has are:
  • Works great with default settings. the user doesn’t have to change anything or edit anything,just copy/paste and it’s all done.
  • The EA works with all currency pairs. on 15 Minutes chart. best results generated by using EUR/USD.
  • Built-in money management rules. the user doesn’t have to worry about it or set it manually each time they run the EA.
  • Tested and proven to be very profitable with minimum risk possible in all market conditions.
  • Brokers friendly! .. that means, honest brokers would not fight it or play - dirty tricks - to stop it. because it’s not a scalping system.
  • The user would not spend most of his time looking for a broker that would accept the EA.
  • Designed to profit from both down trending and up trending markets, even when there is no clear direction!

Keys For Selecting a Forex Broker


For the new trader, something as setting up a Forex trading account can be a daunting process. I know, I've been there.

Picking your Forex trading broker is something that you don't want to take lightly. There are many brokers to choose from, some better than others. Also, a broker that might be right for you might not be appropriate for someone else, for example, if you live in different countries.

When considering which Forex broker you should set up an account with, you will want to look into the following six areas:

1. What trading platforms do they support?
Do you want to trade the MetaTrader platform? Some brokers support this while others have their own trading platforms.

2. What is the minimum account balance that you're required to hold?
If you don't have a lot of capital you can search around and find a broker that requires a small deposit.

3. How easy it is for you to deposit and withdraw funds from your account?
This can be a big turn-off. Some brokers make it very easy for you while others don't.

4. What are the brokerage fees?
This is very important. The brokerage fee structure can make or break your trading plan.

5. What type of support do they offer?
You want to be assured that your inquiries will be answered promptly. Do they have a support number you can call and, if so, what days and hours are they available? Is there 24hr online chat support?

6. How long has the firm been in business for? Do they have a good reputation?
It's your money, make sure you place it in good hands. A good place to get recommendations is through Forex forums. Ask around and find out other traders experiences with brokers you are considering.

A good way to test the waters with a Forex broker is to set up a demo account with them. This allows you to test their systems and also your own trading strategies without any risk.

Forex Education - 5 Things You Need To Know

Best Education

One of the most important skills a Forex trader needs is the ability to acquire the best Forex education. There is a lot of information flying around about trading currency. Most of it is totally useless if not misleading. One of the main reasons why so many traders lose so much money is that they're ignorant. They never took the time to truly learn how to trade Forex.

But how do you go about getting a top-notch Forex education?

5 things you need to know:

1. You don't need to be good with numbers
This is a concern which I hear often. You can be a great trader even if you're bad at math. It's a different skill set even though it has to do with numbers.

2. A good Forex education will cost you money
That's something that you need to be aware of. Sure, there are a lot of free sources out there, and many people believe that for new traders free information is the way to go. It's not true. The best and quickest ways to learn Forex trading require an investment in high quality courses and training programs. The amount of time you save is well worth the investment.

3. A good education is always worth it
The sheer amount of money that you can earn on the Foreign Exchange market is so massive that it makes any investment in Forex training insignificant. The key is to not waste your time on false knowledge but be willing to invest in top-notch training. It's the best and only way to really make it big.

4. It doesn't take much time
If you're following a good training program and using a high quality system, becoming a profitable trader doesn't take a long time. You can do it in a matter of months (if not weeks). It takes time for things to really sink in, but once you know the right kind of material, the path to success is open to you.

5. Never invent the wheel, just drive the car
People often make the mistake of trying to figure out their own trading methods. Unless you have massive experience, this is the wrong thing to do. The better way is to follow the proven methods of a reliable expert and mimic what they do.

Just like when you want to go somewhere you don't invent the wheel but just get into your car and drive, you don't need to invent new trading methods, just follow those that already work, systems which better traders than yourself developed and tested. This is one of the best Forex tips I can give you.

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Written in a straightforward and accessible style, Getting Started in Forex Trading Strategies is a highly visual guide to foreign exchange trading that introduces you to the Codex Method-a proven process that allows you to tailor a trading strategy to your own personal preferences.

Candlestick Pattern
Learn Candlestick Pattern to maximize profit when trading Forex

Big Profit Patterns Using Candlestick Signals And Gaps

How To Make A Living Trading The Markets By Mastering Easy To Learn Techniques Hardly Anyone Else Knows About

Gaps (Ku) are called windows (Mado) in Japanese Candlestick analysis. A gap or window is one of the most misunderstood technical messages. Most investment experts advise not to buy after a gap. This is true only about ten percent of the time. The other 90% of the time, the gaps will reveal powerful high profit trades. Candlestick signals, correlated with the appearance of gaps, provide valuable profit-making set-ups…..

The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading
The Rules for Turning Patterns into Profit.
This book discover the basic skills of successful trading. Three of them are technical:

1. How to find market direction in any time frame
2. How to establish a successful entry strategy that work consistently
3. How to create two solid exit strategies: one to protect yourself financially should the market not go your way, and one to capture profit if it does.

The remaining skill is more difficult: it is learning how to overcome the battle takes place in your mind (trading psychology).

Secrets of Successful Traders
An opportunity to learn from the pros : Robert Deel, Price Headly, Mike Hurley, Steven Nison, Barbara Star, Simon Sherwood, Daryl Guppy, and John Bollinger. Now it is time to discover the secrets of success, enjoy this valuable book..

Download Free Forex Ebook

Introduction To Forex
This ebook explain about Forex Market. The fastest growing market with the biggest daily trading volume.

Forex Market Conditions
Forex market is an ever-changing entity. Read this Forex ebook for better understanding of that conditions apply to the foreign exchange market.

Avoiding Mistakes In Forex trading
Forex trading isn’t that easy as we assume and people will make mistakes.This ebook will teach you how to avoid the most frequent of them.

Day Trading Forex Market
Day trading is the most popular trend in the Forex trading. You trade inside the day, trying to capture the short-term market movements and you gain profit everyday.

Guide To Effective Day Trading

A handy guide for those beginning traders that lean to the intraday trading but failed to develop their own successful strategy yet.

Forex Trader Ebook
When the book is written by someone with a great experience in Forex trading you not only learn from it but gain a real pleasure from diving into the Forex atmosphere.

Forex Online Manual For Successful Trading

It’s always handy to keep some manual like this ready when you want to remember something about Forex or deal with some newly encountered market situation.


FAP TURBO Pictures, Images and Photos


1. FAP Turbo Short Term Scalping Strategy
2. FAP Turbo Long Term Advanced FAP strategy.

Each strategy is designed for its own timeframe & currency pairs. For example Long term strategy works only on EURUSD M1. The scalping short term strategy works on 4 pairs forex currencies : EURGBP, GBPCHF, EURCHF & USDCAD, M15 Timeframe.

I will show you FAP Turbo analysis for scalper strategy and know the weak and strong point using this autopilot expert advisor (ea) for trading FOREX.


Strong point :
  • Very safe. FAP Turbo Scalper strategy has an inner fixed stop loss and sniper-accurate trading signals so the risk is very low and the drawdowns are extremely low.
  • Extremely profitable. Despite the fact the take profit value is rather small, FAP Turbo Scalper strategy is extremely profitable. You can literally double your deposit in a matter of weeks even trading safe lots.
Weak points :
  • FAP Turbo Scalper strategy has very small take profit from 6 to 15 pips so it is very sensible to the spread size. If you broker gives you an unusually big spread (for example spread 5-6 for EurGbp or more instead of normal 2-4) then scalper strategy will have a hard time trading it. It will miss a lot of trade or will not trade at all. Check your broker for the spread size!
  • FAP Turbo Scalper strategy does not work well on crazy market conditions. When the currency pair has an unusually strong trend or very high volatility (It is recommended to avoid trading on such days. We tried our best to filter out such days automatically but still do not recommend trading on high volatility days.)

Strong points :
  • Fapturbo Long term strategy does not care about the spread size and the volatility of the market. It has a rather large value for take profit.
  • Fapturbo Long term strategy is a very complicated system and can adapt to nearly all market conditions. It behaved well and made good profit even in crazy situations with EURUSD during the end of 2008. It can survive nearly all hardships and will bring you profit in the end.
Weak points :
  • It does not trade very often; so don’t expect too many trades every day. FAP Turbo Long Term Strategy is optimized to avoid trading during risky market conditions. No trades will be opened on such dangerous days. Please have patience! If it does not open any trades for a week or two that means the market is in a risky zone!
  • Trades can stay in the drawdown for sometime until they reach a profit. Expect to have a drawdown for a day or even week until a trade finally reaches the profit target. That is normal and part of the successful system. Don’t worry too much here, the drawdown is limited by the fixed stop loss value.
FAP Turbo developers have added a great number of new features to FAP Turbo Algorithm to make it:
  • More Safe. Now FAPTURBO FAP strategy uses fixed stop loss value so your possible losses will be small and limited. A great number of additional safe filters and indicators were added to prevent trading in risky conditions.
  • More Profitable. Advanced filters and indicators that were added to the system make sure FAP avoids risky periods with unstable market and makes most of the profitable trades with high accuracy.

FAP Turbo New Version 47 has been released on Mei 2009 ... Great Expert Advisor. Always up-to-date to make this expert advisor can trade with safe and profitable..

Learn About Forex


Once you start your Forex trading education, you will learn to love this word because it is what you will be seeking for the rest of your Forex career. A pip is the smallest denominator of a particular currency pair, so for the above example, if the EUR/USD moves from 1.2150 to 1.2155 then it has moved up 5 pips.


Leverage is a simple concept of Forex trading education. If you have $10,000 to trade with, your Forex broker will let you borrow money from him so that you can trade in larger quantities. They will let you borrow as much as 400 times (400:1) what you put up in a trade. Most brokers allow between 50:1 and 100:1 margin. So, if you put up $1,000, and your broker allows 100:1 margin, then you'll be trading $100,000 worth of currency (instead of $1,000).

That's important, because every pip equals a certain dollar amount. When you trade $10,000, each pip movement equals $1. The chart below shows how it goes from there. If you trade 10,000 worth of currency, each movement would be equal to $1. So if you bought at 1.1445 and sold at 1.1545, you would make 100 x $1, or $100. If you trade $100,000, each pip movement would equal $10 and so on.


There are 2 different ways to trade on the Forex market and many beginners (or those who continue their Forex trading education) are surprised to learn that they can actually make as much money when currency price moves down as when it goes up. Let's start with the most logical movement, when the price moves up.

Most people are very familiar with the concept of buying something at a low price and selling it when the price increases. So the concept of buying the EUR/USD at 1.2150 and selling it at 1.2160 for a 10 pip gain should seem logical. This process is called going long.

You can also do this in reverse! If you know that the currency price is more likely to go down rather than up, you can go short. This is just the opposite of the above transaction, selling it first and buying it back later in the hope that the price will go down for you to make profit.

This may seem strange at first, but the concept remains the same either way. You always want to buy something at a low price, and sell it expensive. The consecution of actions doesn't matter. You must both buy and sell; as long as you sell at a higher price than you buy you make profit. Let us continue our Forex trading education.


The difference between stock markets and the Forex market brokers, is that in the Forex market, broker commissions are either very low or zero. So how do the ?? make money? They make it from the "spread" - difference between the actual price and the offered price through a broker.

On the right you can see a typical board of currency pairs and their spreads. This one is taken from our feed this morning, and you can see the difference between the Offer (the price you can place on a sell order) and the Bid (the price you can place on a buy order) is 3 pips (the spread).

What does this mean to you though? Well, let's look at the board. If you bought the EUR/USD at 1.2158 as it is offered under the Offer column, and immediately sold it again before the price moved, you would only get 1.2155 as is shown in the Bid column. So the net result is -3 pips, or a loss to you, and a profit to the broker. Remember to always take the spread into account when placing a trade, setting targets and stop losses.


Once (you have) started your Forex trading education, you will constantly see the terms "Bears" and "Bulls" in Forex books and chat rooms. These are terms that describe the general mood of the market. A "bear" market, is when the general mood of the market is down, i.e. when there are more sellers than buyers in the marketplace. A "bull market" is the opposite, when there are more buyers than sellers and the general mood of the market is up. Forex is a place where bulls and bears struggle, and if you can identify who is gaining the upper hand, then you can identify the direction of the price. Easier said than done, of course. There are many more areas to cover, this should help those only starting Forex trading education.


Forex market, is an around-the-clock cash market where the currencies of nations are bought and sold. Forex trading is always done in currency pairs. For example, you buy Euros, paying with U.S. Dollars, or you sell Canadian Dollars for Japanese Yen. The value of your Forex investment increases or decreases because of changes in the currency exchange rate or Forex rate. These changes can occur at any time, and often result from economic and political events. Using a hypothetical Forex investment, this article shows you how to calculate profit and loss in Forex trading. Let's push your Forex trading education to a new level together.

To understand how the exchange rate can affect the value of your Forex investment, you need to learn how to read a Forex quote. Forex quotes are always expressed in pairs. In the following example, your pair of currencies is the U.S. Dollar (USD) and the Canadian Dollar (CAD). The Forex quote, USD/CAD = 170.50, means that one U.S. Dollar is equal to 170.50 Canadian Dollars. The currency to the left of the "/" (USD in this example) is referred to as base currency and its value is always 1. The currency to the right of the "/" (CAD in this example) is referred to as the counter currency. In this example, one USD can buy 170.50 CAD, because it is the stronger of the two currencies. The U.S. Dollar is regarded as the central currency of the Forex market, and it is always treated as the base currency in any Forex quote where it is one of the pairs.

Introduction To Forex

Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex) Trading allows an investor to participate in profitable fluctuations of world currencies. Forex trading works by selecting pairs of currencies and then measuring profit or loss by the fluctuations of one one currency's market activity compared to the other. For example, fluctuations in the value of the $ U.S. Dollar are measured against another world currency such as the British Pound, Eurodollar, Japanese Yen etc. Being able to discern price trends in market activity is the essence of all profitable trading and this is what makes foreign currencies so exciting, currencies are the world's 'best trending' market. This gives Forex investors a profit making edge that is unavailable in most other markets.

Forex Trading is being called 'today's exciting new investment opportunity for the savvy investor'. The reason is that the Forex Trading Market only began to emerge in 1978, when worldwide currencies were allowed to 'float' according to supply and demand, 7 years after the Gold Standard was abandoned. Up until 1995 Forex Trading was only available to banks and large multinational corporations but today, thanks to the proliferation of the computer and a new era of internet-based communication technologies, this highly profitable market is open to everyone. The Forex Trading Market's growth has been unprecedented, explosive, and continues to be unequaled by any other trading market.

Unlike traditional trading which brings buyers and sellers together in a central location (trading floors) in Forex Trading there is no need for a centralized location. Forex is a market where worldwide traders conduct business by high-speed Internet connections with the Interbank Foreign Currency Exchange via Forex Clearinghouses (also called Forex Brokerage Firms). Forex has not only become the fastest growing trading market, but also the most profitable trading marketplace in the world.

Simply stated, Forex is the most profitable because it is the world's largest marketplace. The Foreign Currency market as a whole accounts for over 1.2 trillion dollars of trading per day (as determined by the fourth Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity, 1998. This figure is understood to be significantly higher today). To put this into perspective, on any given day the Foreign Currency Exchange Market activity is vastly greater than the Stock Market. It is 75 times greater than the New York Stock Exchange where the average total daily value (using 1998 figures) of both foreign and domestic stocks is $16 billion, and much greater than the daily activity on the London Stock Exchange, with $11 billion.

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